Propiconazole 25 % ec is a systemic fungicide. It’s a broadspectrum systemic foliar fungicide for the control of a wide range of leaf and stem diseases. It israpidly absorbed by the leaves or stems and translocated upward through the xylem.
Recommended crop (s):Wheat, rice, groundnut, tea, soyabean, cotton
It is recommended to control Karnal bunt, leaf / brown and yellow rust of wheat, sheath blight of rice, early leaf spot ,late leaf spot of groundnut, blister blight of tea, Rust on soyabean and alternaria leaf spot of Cotton.
Wheat: Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm):125,Formulation(ml):500,Dilution(ltr):750
Tea:Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm):31.5 -62.50,Formulation(ml):125-250,Dilution(ltr):175-250