Sa-lead m 45 is a contact fungicide containing mancozer 75% as active ingredient.

Recommended crop (s): Potato, tomato, wheat, maize, paddy, jowar, banana, apple, grapes, guava


It is used to control brown and black rust and blight of wheat, leaf blight & downey mildew of maize, blast of paddy. Leaf spot of sorghum, tiprot sigatoka leaf spot of banana and other fungal disease of banana guava and other field crops

Potato :Dosages hectare AI (kg) 1125-1.5 Formulation (kg): 15-20 dilution in water: 750

Tomato: Dosages/hectare AI (kg): 1.125-1.5. Formulation (kg): 15-20 dilution in water 750

Wheat: Dosages/hectare AI (kg): 1.125-1.5 Formulation (kg) 1.5-20, dilution in water: 750

Maize: Dosages/hectare AI(kg) 1.125-15 Formulation (kg) 1.5-20, dilution in water 750

Paddy: Dosages/hectare: AI(kg): 1.125-1.5, Formulation (kg) 1.5-20, dilution in water: 750

Jowar: Dosages/hectare: AI (kg): 1.125-15 Formulation (kg) 15-20,dilution in water: 750


Banana: Dosages/hectare AI (kg): 1.125-15 formulation (kg) 1.5-20 dilution in water: 1000

Apple: Dosages/hectare AI (kg): 225 gm tree, formulation (ks) so gm/tree, dilution in water: 10 ltr/tree

Grapes: Dosages/hectare AI (kg): 1.125-1.5 formulation (kg) 15-20 dilution in water: 750

Guava: Dosages/hectare AI(gm): 15 formulation (gm) 20, dilution in water 10 ltr/tree

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