Sa-inmenctin is insecticde containing emamectin benzoate 5% as active ingredient
Recommended crop (s): Grapes, redgram, cotton, chickpea tea, cabbage, brinzal, okra, chilli
It is used to control bollworms of cotton, fruit and shoot borer on okra, dbm on cabbage, fruit borer, thrips, mites on chilli fruit and shoot borer on brinjal pod borer on red gram and chickpea
Grapes : Dosages/hectare: Al(gm): 11 Formulation(gm): 220, Dilution In Water (ltr): 500-1000
Redgram : Dosage/ha: a.i.(gm):25.0,Formulation(gm):100,Dilution(ltr):500-750
Cotton : Dosages/hectare: Al(gm): 9.5-11.0 Formulation(gm): 190-220, Dilution In Water (tr): 500
Chickpea : Dosages/hectare: Al(gm) 11 Formulation(gm): 220, Dilution In Water (ltr): 500
Tea : Dosages/hectare: A.1(gm): 10 Formulation(gm): 200, Dilution In Water (ltr): 500
Cabbage : Dosages/hectare: Algm) 7.5-10. Formulation(gm): 150-200 Dilution in Water (ltr): 500
Brinjal : Dosages/hectare: A.l(gm): 10 Formulation(gm): 200, Dilution In Water (ltr): 500
Okra : Dosages/hectare A.(gm): 6.75-85, Formulation(gm) 135-170, Dilution In Water (ltr): 500
Chilli : Dosages/hectare: Al(gm): 10 Formulation(gm): 200, Dilution In Water (ltr): 500