A-glazer is systemic insecticde containing thiamethoxam 30% as active ingredient.

Recommended crop (s): Cotton, wheat, sorghum, rice, okra, maize, chilli, sunflower, soyabean,


It is used to control early season sucking pests, recommended as seed treatment to control jassids aphids and whitefly in cotton, shoot fly on sorghum and maize termites in wheat, jassid in okra thrips. Glh and whorl maggot in rice jassids and thrips in sunflower stem fly in soyabean and thrips in chilli crops due to its fast action on sucking pests

Cotton: Dosages/hectare Dosages/hectare:Al (gm Per Kg Seed): 3.0. Formulation (ml Per Kg Seed): 10.0

Wheat:Dosageshectare: Al (gm Parkg Solidy! 1.Dy Formulation (mi Par Kg 5688); 3.3

Sorghum :Dosages/hectare: Al (gm Per Kg Seed): 3.0, Formulation (ml Per Kg Seed): 10.0

Rice: Dosages/hectare:Ai (gm Per Kg Seed):0.9 Formulation (ml Per Kg Seed): 3.0

Maize: Dosages/hectare: Ai (gm Per Kg Seed): 2.4, Formulation (ml Per Kg Seed): 8.0

Okra : Dosages/hectare: Al (gm Per Kg Seed): 1.7, Formulation (ml Per Kg Seed): 5.7

Chilli: Dosages/hectare:Al (gm Per Kg Seed) 2.1, Formulation (ml Per Kg Seed): 7.0

Sunflower: Dosages/hectare: A.i (gm Per Kg Seed): 3.0. Formulation (ml Per Kg Seed): 10.0

Soyabean: Dosages/hectare: Al (gm Per Kg Seed): 3.0, Formulation (ml Per Kg Seed): 10.00

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