SA-COLE (Propineb 70% WP)

Sa cole (propineb 70% wp) is a broad spectrum contact fungicide with disease prevention action. It interferes the metabolism and inhalation process of carbohydrates and proteins of fungi. It has zinc in it which brings greenery to the crop and improves the disease fighting mechanism of plants. It is very fine powder and dissolves very quickly. It has verylow toxicityand is aipm compliant.

Recommended crop (s):Apple pomegranate, potato, chilli,
Tomato, grapes, rice (paddy) and cotton


SA Cole (Propineb 70% WP) I s used to control scab of apple, leaf and fruit spots of pomegranate, early and late blight of potato, die back of chilli, buck eye rot of tomato, downy mildew of grapes,brown and narrow leaf spot of rice(Paddy) and Alternaria leaf spot of cotton.

Apple: Dosage/hactare:AI. (gm)0.21%, Formulation(ml):300, dilution in water(ltr):500

Pomegranate: Dosage/hactare: AI. (gm):0.21%, Formulation(ml):300, dilution in water(ltr):500

Potato: Dosage/hactare:AI. (gm):0.21%, Formulation(ml):300, dilution in water(ltr):500

Chilli:Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm):0.21%, Formulation(ml):500, dilution in water(ltr):500

Tomato:Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm):0.21%, Formulation(ml):300, dilution in water(ltr):500

Grapes: Dosage/hactare:AI. (gm):0.21%, Formulation(ml):300, dilution in water(ltr):500

Rice(Paddy): Dosage/hactare:AI. (gm):1050-1400, Formulation(ml):1500-2000,
dilution in water(ltr):500

Cotton: Dosage/hactare:AI. (gm):875-1050, Formulation(ml):
1250-1500, dilution in water(ltr):500

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