SA-DIMPORA 50% WP (Dimethomorph 50% WP)

Sa-dimpora 50% wp (dimethomorph 50% wp) is as systemic fungicide which protects the crops from fungus in the water. It has translaminar action. It has anti sporulant activity which helps to prevent the disease among the plants.

Recommended crop (s):Grapes and potato


SA Dimpora (Dimethomorph 50% WP) is recommended to control downy mildew of grapes and late blight of potato

Grapes: Dosages/hactare: AI. (gm):500, Formulation(ml):1000, dilution in water(ltr):750

Tomato: Dosages/hactare: AI. (gm):500, Formulation(ml):1000, dilution in water(ltr):750

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