Sa-wellzim is a systemic fungicide containing carbendazim
50% wp as active ingredient.

Recommended crop (s):Paddy, wheat, barley, cotton jute, groundnut,
Sugarbeet, cucurbits, peascluster beans, brinjal, apple, grapes,
Walnut, rose, ber, chillies, moong cowpea, tobacco.


It is used to control blast, rice sheath blast of rice, loose smut of wheat and barley, leaf spot of cotton,seedling blight of jute, tikka leaf spot of groundnut, sugarbeet leaf spot, powdery mildew of sugarbeet, cucurbits, peas cluster bean, rose, ber, moong, cowpea, anthracnose of cucurbits, cowpea and tobacco, leaf spot and fruit rot of brinjal,leaf spot of cowpea.

Rice Blast: Dosage/hactare :AI. (gm) 125-250):Formulation gm/ha :250-500gm: Dilution 750ltr (wet slurry treatment)

Sheath Blight: Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm) 1gm/kg Seed: Formulation (gm/ha): 2gm/kg seed:Dilution:1 Lit/10 kg seed(wet slurry treatment)

Wheat: Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm)1 gm/kg seed:2 gm/kg seed,1 Lit/10kg seed,(wet slurry treatment)

Barley: Dosage/hactare:AI. (gm) 1gm/kg seed:Formulation :2gm/kg seed:1 Lit/10kg seed,(wet slurry treatment.

Cotton: Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm):125:Formulation gm/ha:250;dilution:750

Ground Nut: Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm):112.5,Formulation:225;Dilution:750


Peas: Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm):125,Formulation:250;Dilution:600

Cluster Bean: Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm):175, Formulation:350;Dilution:750

Cucurbits: Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm): 150, Formulation:300;Dilution:600

Brinjal: Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm): 150, Formulation:300; Dilution:600

Chillies:Dosage/hactare:AI. gm/kg seed.

Apple: Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm):1.25, Formulation:2.50; 10 Lit /tree.

Walnut: Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm): 1.5, Formulation:3.0; 10 Lit /tree.

Ber: Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm):5.0, Formulation:10; 10 Lit /tree.

Rose: Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm):0.5, Formulation:1.0; 2

Moong: Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm): 250, Formu

lation:500 ; Dilution:750

Cowpea: Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm): 150, Formulation:300 ; Dilution:600

Tobacco:Dosage/hactare:AI.(gm): 112.5, Formulation:225 ; Dilution:750

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